
I am now into week four of being back to teaching, and, while I certainly find both sleep and a sense of sanity/stability/calm are elusive, I am glad that I decided to listen to Brian and give heading back to West a try.

A few of the hurdles:

  • Advocating for very basic rights: Feeding one's infant while walking through security at Denver International Airport and having one's milk inspected for explosives help build a necessary voice.
  • Having awkward conversations with co-workers and administrators: No, I cannot chat for just a few more minutes. Trust me, it'll get uncomfortable for the both of us if I do....
  • Coming up with reasons why students can't stay in my room, sit at my desk, come in for lunch, etc.: I have a lot of meetings and parent phone calls...
  • Defending my parenting practices: I am fairly certain that, though I am no expert, I do know what I want - and don't want (plastic toys, TV, bilboard-y attire) for the little human I brought into the world -- having a great pediatrician and some fantastic, like-minded friends both help.
  • Re-examining classroom practices: That work-home balance is key!
  • Re-evaluating priorities: Vacuum every day: yes; brush hair every day: maybe...

In short, becoming a mom makes you more hard-core than you ever thought you could be.  Lifting a car seat with an ever-growing human inside it and hauling diaper bags, a stroller that's nearly your own size, and carrying said human around are physical tasks that might make you rethink the need for a personal trainer.  Protecting the well-being of that little person who has brought more to your world than you ever could have imagine is not for the faint of heart.  And much like teaching, which can grow your heart in one instant and break it in the next, parenthood is the best, hardest job imaginable.

Despite the obstacles taking on both of the above jobs have entailed, I have landed on my feet, and HQ is doing great and still seems to like me a lot (one of my irrational fears before returning to work included falling out of her good graces) so I think I'll stick to this multi-purpose life I'm leading....anyways, it'll be summer before too long :)


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