
Showing posts from February, 2015

Happy Birthday, Grandpa Duey!

If life is a measure of the choices we make, the moments we create, and the memories we make, then Grandpa Runnells has had quite the life. One need only look around and listen carefully at a Runnells family gathering.  In a room full of his kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids, there is no shortage of stories stories about our younger years, camping trips, sporting events, family dinners (with dessert!!), and of Grandpa's woodworking projects now proudly displayed in all of our homes. Everyone wants a moment with Grandpa, to give him a hug, to listen to a story, to make a new memory to add to the collection we have built and cherish. Birthdays and family gatherings are a bit different now, but one thing will never change, our love for Grandpa Duey! Happy Birthday - have a fantastic day, Grandpa!

Sparkles and Margs

Not all that long ago, as we were in the midst of making sense of the messy part of our life together, Brian made a comment that has since been replaying in my mind. While we were talking he said, quite simply, "I know family is really important to you."  Of course I have always known that, but as of late, I've felt it even more. Growing up, I wanted to be just like Jenna.  She was more grown up, had all the cool toys (giant pound puppies), and the best books.  She was athletic, kind, and beautiful - and still is!  In finding our passion for running, we've become as close as we've ever been and we've found that we're more alike than we recognized (we like to challenge ourselves, hate sitting still, love a good name it). These days, we're regularly chatting about races, workout classes, and running attire - Under Armour should start its own line for us!! Jenna experienced an injury that sidelined her from running. I was so sad for her, bu

At Full Strength

Life changes in an instant, as we all know.  Often times, these expeditious changes are ones we look upon with discontent.  Change, however, can be good. We all know this, too.  The funny thing about life is that without one, the bad, we take the other,  the good, for granted.  It's the juxtaposition that keeps us real  -- change can simultaneously be good and bad, and as I settle into a new routine of daily life, I cannot help but look back on the past 18 months and all the changes it brought.  Like other things, though, we've come to find that we're pretty good at figuring it out, at figuring us  out! Travel back in time with me for a moment; it's the winter of 2013.  I sat next to my husband as he informed me of an internship opportunity that, aside from giving him the opportunity to grow professionally, would require him to leave our home, our life, our 'normal.'  That change didn't feel so good - the unknown never does - but when we got married, I co