
Showing posts from October, 2014

21 Days

I cannot believe that only three weeks -- 21 days, yikes!! - stand between me and the Rock and Roll Half Marathon.  When it was merely a hypothetical, my run buddy cousin, Jenna, and I laughed about just how ludicrous it would be to purposely set out to run 13.1 miles.  We thought about how nervous we were before our first run together, Al's Run 2013.  We thought about how two Mexican girls who can sparkle with the best of 'em when its 50 degrees would be downright bedazzled after a half marathon.  We thought about what else we could do with several hours of our time.  Then, however, we continued our trend of running 5Ks together, and our inner tough girls came out.  We realized that we could do a half marathon, and we decided we should  do it. I cannot wait until that day when I get to hop on a plane with my cousins, my auntie, and my mom, hop off that plane in Vegas, meet up with my husband, and accomplish a goal that I once considered an impossibility. As I gear up for

Two Really Great Days

I spent two really great days with a really great guy this past weekend.  I made the trek west after work on Friday - I love gaining a weekend hour, but thanks to my ban on drinking until after my half-marathon, our traditional stops at the West End Tavern on our way home from DIA was a no-go.  Truthfully, I was happy just to get 'home' and settle into normal weekend life in BoCo. Saturday morning was a simply and perfect one.  We made breakfast, we sat at the table and talked about our trip to the Park later that morning, and we talked about how we are going to iron out this wrinkle in our life, this being in two states business.  When we left the condo just before 10am, the weather was great; it was sunny and crisp.  The rest of Saturday was particularly strange, however, as it alternated between sunny and warm and cold and hailing.  Numb fingers and toes aside, we made the most of our day.  We decided it was high time Brian actually made his way to Emerald Lake (and didn&#