Cousin Time

I am so blessed to have cousins with whom I have always been close. Our parents’ bond spilled over into our lives, and we spent much of our childhood together. Sleepovers and vacations together were regular occurrences - and have produced many classic stories (forgotten luggage, Munchkins, family toasts, and an over-served crew on the Vegas strip just to name a few).  And we continue to find ways to share our lives and time with one another, now often thanks to the many adventures of our children.

An especially significant relationship I have is with my cousin Jenna, my run buddy. From sleepovers and borrowing all the best books to training runs and hours-long conversations, our time together is always special.

This weekend, after far too much time apart, we enjoyed one of our amazing coffee dates. We grabbed a table in the shade and our beverages of choice, and filled each other in on all the comings and goings in our lives: We talked parenthood, home building, health, and so much more.  As always, our time together flew by. We really can fill hours (and hours...and hours) with conversation - and maybe even a workout.

It was such a lovely way (thanks, JL) to spend a lovely day (thanks, WI weather - finally)!

JL and AJ run 13.1

Celebrating our accomplishment with a drink that’s half my size 

One of our Al’s Run experiences 


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