FreudFest - Jason and Alli Get Married

Last weekend, after having finished a warm but fun Al's Run, I made my way to Wausau as quickly and safely as possible. The rest of the Runnells family members, including my husband, were already there getting ready to celebrate Jason (Brian's cousin) and Alli's wedding.

I arrived in town shortly before the ceremony was to begin but clearly not fit to be seen in public. Because we had known for some time that this weekend was going to be a busy one, Brian decided to drive to Wausau with his parents and attend the ceremony with them; meanwhile, I would run my race and make my way to our hotel to get situated in time to join everyone for the reception.  It was definitely a bummer to miss the ceremony, which I am told was beautiful, but I made up for missed time almost immediately.

Soon after my arrival, the whole family, including the bride and groom, were gathered in the lobby of our hotel.  We snacked, had drinks, laughed, and celebrated the newlyweds.  Then, we all hopped on shuttle busses and made our way to the reception venue, where the Runnells family did what they do best, had LOTS of FUN!

I woke up the following morning sore from head to toe.  It may have had a little bit to do with the 8K from the day before, but I am certain it had more to do with dancing all night and laughing until I cried many times throughout the evening.

It was a fantastic weekend celebrating both love and family and making memories.

our table was the rowdy table 
Family photo
a bit blurry, but here's me and my date 
cuz..why not?!
We called this pose 'Hyphenated Ladies in Armchair' 
The Runnells ladies (and some photobomber who wanted, obviously, to hang with the cool kids)

I definitely failed at getting a good picture of the newlyweds or Brian and me, but the ones I did manage to take are pretty priceless. 


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