Add Another Cousin to the Party Mix -- She's 21!

This past weekend was full of celebration -- the festivities began Saturday night we the Runnells cousins celebrated all things Annie!

We began the night at Big Mouth Frog's, which provided us with opportunities for all sorts of strange, frog-inspired pictures and $5 martinis!! Uncle Jeff and his pals even joined us for a bit.  A woman selling roses came through, and as you can see from the photo below, Uncle Jeff decided the birthday girl needed a birthday rose.

When it was time for BMF to close for the evening, we were only just getting started, thought that may not have been our best life-choice.  We decided to make use of our responsible drivers, and we headed down the street to Ray and Dot's.  Aside from the giant Marquette banner and the girl in PJs, it was perfectly fun.

So, here's to Annie, the last Runnells cousin to turn the big 2-1 for a good long while! I hope you had a blast.  I know I did, and if for a second, I thought more fun could have been had, Sunday reminded me that 1) I am no longer 21 and 2) the Runnells cousins know how to have a good time!

Uncle Jeff gave his baby girl a rose

Nine Runnells cousins -- and yes, I can count!
(Cory and Jessie have a baby on the way)

me and Christina

MU? These Badger ladies say "No Thanks!"

Happy birthday, Annie!  Thanks for inviting us all to celebrate with you.  


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