
 Today, Brian and I went to my parents' house to help Dad with his iPad.  When we got there, Dad had a little surprise for Brian.

Over the past year or so, Brian has taken a liking to shooting.  Rumor has it that when Brian and his friends go on 'Man Weekend', they do about as much shooting as climbing.  His friends have been trying to convince Brian to purchase a shotgun of his very own.  Aside from how 'not - us' a shotgun seemed, I really didn't want to rearrange my handbags and shoes to make room for a gun in our designated storage/overflow closet.  But seeing Brian with my dad changed that.  They were so cute talking sports and weapons, and it totally made up for the small amount of organizing I'll need to do to keep our closets clean and orderly.  That, and maybe I can use Brian's new toy as a bit of leverage to get a new toy of my own - I'm thinking puppy, new car, handbag or a short trip to Italy or Spain..seems fair, right?!  :)

Checkin' out the goods

Some assembly required 

Enjoying his new gift 


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