B1G Ten Championship Game

I cannot believe it has taken me this long to finally update everyone about my very exciting birthday weekend.  I guess I was much busier last week than I realized. 

Anyhow, my birthday weekend festivities kicked off with a very welcomed treat – I slept until 7am.  Before I left for the day, I got to open my presents.  My sister-in-law Becky made me this very adorable Badger themed scrapbook complete with pictures from the game she joined me at this year.  Brian got me my very own Badger pillow pet – and while I realize the irony of this gift (I got a stuffed animal for my 29th birthday), I absolutely love it.  After presents, Brian took me to breakfast, and after that, we went to the gym to visit with our friends and get in a workout.  Then we went to the mall and did a bit of Christmas shopping.  Once that was done, we headed home to watch a little TV and cozy up by the Christmas tree, which we decorated.  Later, my parents met us at Botana’s Mexican restaurant for dinner and after dinner Brian indulged my not-so-secret Starbucks addiction.  Then, despite all of my caffeine and excitement, I had to attempt to get some sleep.

Saturday I was up early to get ready to make the drive to Indianapolis for the first ever Big Ten Championship game.  As I mentioned in my last post, Brian surprised me over Thanksgiving weekend with tickets to the big game.  An additional part of that surprise was the fact that my friend and fellow Badger lover, Katie, and her boyfriend Ryan would be joining us.  Brian planned the whole event - all I had to do was decide what Badger outfit to wear. We picked up Katie and Ryan in Kenosha, stopped for coffee and headed south.  Katie and Ryan also came bearing gifts – a giant, 3 pound bag of my favorite snack, gummi bears, and my very own Badger gnome.  We were in Indy by early afternoon, so we got settled into our hotel and then went to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the Marquette-Wisconsin basketball game.  Though I am not a huge fan of that restaurant and was displeased with the outcome of the basketball game, the atmosphere was great.  There were a ton of Badger fans around and plenty of friendly banter with Michigan State fans, too.  After dinner, we headed to the stadium and enjoyed some of the pregame activities.  Then we were off to our seats and, as they say, the rest is just history. 

Though it likely knocked a few years off of my life, the game was absolutely amazing.  I cheered so much I barely had a voice by the time the night was over.  I am so excited that I was able to witness, first-hand, the extremely amazing game.   It was one of the very best games I've ever been to, that is for certain!  The "W" was certainly a great present courtesy of the Badges, and truly, the whole weekend was an amazing present from my very fabulous husband! 

Katie and me in front of the 'trophy'





the trophy 

Brian and me 


A legend in the LEADERS division 

touring van - maybe I can rent it for my frequent trips to Madison?! 

W-I-S-C-O-N-S-I-N - have I mentioned how much I like this part?!


coin toss

game time 

enjoying the game 

UW Marching Band 

Unlike Sparty's band, Bucky's band marched! 

me and Katie 

victory formation 



Ryan, Katie, me and Brian 


two very happy Mad Grads!

When you say WIS-CON-SIN, you've said it all! 

Still celebrating 



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