The Week in Review

This past week, while I was husband-less, I kept myself quite busy.  Sunday, I spent the day with my pal Melissa.  We went climbing and then out to lunch.  After that, I hung out at casa de Nimmer and caught up with one of my favorite families.  Monday evening, I was invited on another date, this time with my friend Amanda.  We had dinner and a drink and filled each other in on the details of our lives and school years.  On both Tuesday and Thursday, I had dates with some of my favorite gym buddies.  I also had a dinner date with my parents one evening.   It was really nice to see the both of them; it just doesn't happen often enough and I hate that!   Friday and Saturday were also really fun.

On Friday, I joined some of my Bradford buddies at Camp Randall to cheer on the Bradford football team in the State Championship game.  It was an exciting game; we were all so happy for the boys to have achieved such a great accomplishment - making it to State after having come so close the year before -  and were anxious for them, too.  It was scoreless for most of the game, and the last 15 seconds were perhaps the most nerve wracking of them all.  The boys came out on top and are now State Champs!!  After the game, a bunch of us ventured over to Stadium Bar to get some dinner and celebrate.  We had a blast (after we recovered Ryan's car, which had been towed during the game).  I really miss my old crew!

prior to the game


Amanda, me and Katie 

with the championship trophy

I love this part!

me and Mama Carol - love, love, love her!! 

Saturday was another great day.  I was finally able to find some time to make the trek to Illinois to meet baby Blake...I was getting very antsy to do so.  I was super excited when my cousin Sean contacted me to say he would be joining me at Jenny's house.  It was so nice to catch up with my cousins, who I adore.  We had so much to catch up on.  We also did a lot of laughing, so much that my stomach ached. It was also amazing getting to spend time with Blake.  He's absolutely gorgeous ( I brought my camera but was so wrapped up in conversations and cuddling with the little guy that I never took it out, so I borrowed a picture from Jenny's blog).  I can't wait to see him again and I really appreciate Jenny and Louis being such great hosts.  Sean, per usual, was highly entertaining.  Every time we are together I contemplate moving so we can see each other more often!


All-in-all, I had a pretty great week considering I was without my hubbers.  Thanks to everyone who kept me busy :)


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