Going Nowhere Fast

Today, I anticipated a smooth ride home.  Boy, was I wrong.  The Interstate was closed in both directions due to a terrible, multi-vehicle accident.  My commute, which normally takes about 30 minutes, lasted three hours! So, what does one do with all that extra time (aside from watch the ridiculously impatient drivers who insist on using the shoulder as their personal driving lane)?  Not much….except sing out loud and take in the scenery. 
I certainly had my share of Lady Gaga, Beyonce, and Jay-Z this afternoon, and I can report hearing at least two songs more than once during the drive.  Likewise, I can say that I had my fill of ceramic lawn decorations.  One wouldn’t expect to see much driving on the Intersate, but I was surprised what can be seen at 5 mph. 
I cannot get over how popular statues, particularly those of the odd variety, are in our modern world.  Most notably, the donkey has made an impressive mark on Caledonia.  I saw no fewer than five donkeys musing about people’s yards, all looking busy and…well, ODD.  My favorite donkey had to be the one that was life-size and accompanied by a Mexican cowboy.  You go, homeowners who aren’t afraid to sport a gaucho in the middle of the city!


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