
Showing posts from December, 2015

Happy Holidays

It has always been important to both Brian and me that we see as much of our family over the holidays as possible - having four sides of the family between us, it's never easy, but we do our best to make it work (even when holiday time typically means travel time for us - it's a teacher schedule thing).  This weekend was a prime example.  Not only were the Untis having Christmas early, but so too was the Runnells crew. The Unti family is by far the most geographically diverse of the four sides of our combined family, and it's never easy to coordinate so many schedules, but this year it was especially important for the Unti family to come together.  This is our first Christmas without Grandma, and though the love that builds within a large Italian family is undeniable, keeping close to one another has never been more important.  We all know how much family meant to Grandma, how much it means to Grandpa. The Unti kids, my dad and his siblings, have imparted that in each of

Birthday Week

My birthday week was full of so many of my favorite things: - wine (Thanks, Mom and Dad) - dinner with my favorite guy - a movie featuring Michael B. Jordan (the latter is the favorite thing! ) - rainbow chip frosting  - climbing time with friends - fro yo  (Thanks, Beeps and Mom Runnells) - a 5K race, the Santa Hustle  Ron Dayne and me after the race - dinner with English teacher trio and....  - vacuum lines!!  Thanks to everyone who called, sent a text, and left a message.  You all make my life great!