Memorial Day and the Bolder Boulder 10K
So, we were supposed to have an extra-extra long weekend, but thanks to those bitterly cold days back in January and February, Friday found me in my classroom doing my teacher thing. In truth, as the year winds down, I need all the time with my kiddos I can get, so I wasn't totally disappointed that I was in Waukesha instead of Boulder, where I planned to be. By the time I was at the airport that evening, however, I was entirely on vacation and absolutely ready for a weekend in my second home. We planned to make the most of our time and pack in as much as we could without wearing ourselves out; after all, the main event of the weekend wasn't until Monday and involved a few miles of running. We got started on that immediately; per our tradition, after making the drive from DIA to Boulder, we stopped for a drink at the West End. It is one of our favorite places in town, so being that my in-laws were visiting and joined Brian on the jaunt to the airport, we had to stop for